Utilizing Your Resources After Graduation in the Health Care Field
Throughout your health career training, you likely encountered a number of instructors and industry contacts who imparted the knowledge and experience they gained in the field onto you.
The great advantage of learning from professionals in your field is that they’re able to teach you not just from textbooks and standard guidelines, but also from their own experiences. But the opportunity to learn from these individuals doesn’t stop upon graduation.
As a health care professional, you will often have to think quickly and recall your education on your feet. When faced with a question you can’t answer or an experience that has left you with questions, a network of industry professionals who you trusted with your education can help.
Networking and Contacts
Though there are millions of health care professionals working today, after some time in the field you may realize that it’s a smaller world than you think. Especially in the digital age, it’s easier than ever to keep in contact with former colleagues and teammates—and instructors, too. Whether you’re seeking out a new position, trying to get your foot in the door, or want to learn more about a professional avenue you’d like to explore, utilize your past instructors as professional development resources. They may have worked in multiple settings throughout their careers, and likely remain in touch with folks who supervise hiring and continuing education in your field. A personal recommendation or introduction to a former professor’s colleague or teammate can go a long way.
You Are Not Alone
Health care careers can often leave you scratching your head, completely stumped, or wondering how you could have done something more efficiently. Experienced industry professionals like those who taught you in school are a wealth of knowledge backed by myriad experiences, training sessions, and discussions with others in the field. Remember that you can always reach out to discuss a concern, refresh your mindset, or talk through an experience in a way that helps you feel more confident in similar future scenarios.