Our West Palm Beach campus is proud to announce that its Associate Degree in Nursing program has been granted initial accreditation from ACEN.

Steps To Lower Your Blood Pressure

Lower Blood Pressure

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women. In fact, according to the American Heart Association, heart disease takes the lives of more than 375,000 Americans annually. 

There are many simple steps you can take to naturally lower your blood pressure. Below are a few ways that may help:

  • Exercise – Exercise is an important step to help lower blood pressure naturally.  Exercise doesnt mean an intense 3 hour workout of cardio and weights; walking several days a week at a brisk pace can help lower your blood pressure. Begin a routine, and dont worry about starting off slowly at first, work on increasing speed and distance over time.
  • Breathe – Slow and deep breathing can help decrease stress which in turn can help lower your blood pressure.  Meditation practices such as yoga can help you with your breathing.  If yoga isnt your thing, just take five minutes each morning and evening to inhale deeply, and exhale all the tension you are holding.
  • Lower Your Salt Intake – Sodium causes water retention, which boosts blood pressure.  Begin to pay attention to your daily salt intake by replacing it with spices and herbs to assist in lowering your blood pressure.  Pay attention to the foods you are eating, and make sure to read labels to see how much sodium you are actually consuming.
  • Drink Tea – Studies have shown that drinking three cups of herbal tea daily helps lower blood pressure.
  • Music – A study in Italy found that if individuals who were already taking hypertension pills took 30 minutes out of their day to listen to soothing music such as Classical, Celtic or Indian music  and breathed slowly, blood pressure dropped over time.  Even if you are not taking hypertension medication, this can be a great meditation technique.
  • Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) – DASH is an eating plan that involves eating a diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products.  In addition, boosting your intake of potassium can help lessen the effects that sodium have on your blood pressure.
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