Health Career Institute: EMT Program
An EMT is an emergency medical technician. EMTs operate on a “basic” training and education level (EMT-Basic or EMT-B) or as paramedics, sometimes referred to as EMT-Ps.
Read moreOur West Palm Beach campus is proud to announce that its Associate Degree in Nursing program has been granted initial accreditation from ACEN.
An EMT is an emergency medical technician. EMTs operate on a “basic” training and education level (EMT-Basic or EMT-B) or as paramedics, sometimes referred to as EMT-Ps.
Read moreBeginning to think about your future? Preparing to embark on an educational pathway toward a rewarding career or volunteer experience?
Read moreTo begin building toward your professional or volunteer career as an EMT or paramedic, first you’ll need an education.
Read moreAs with most professions, part of becoming an EMT is ace-ing the interview.
Read moreChoosing a nursing school is an important and defining step in the process of becoming a nurse and achieving your dream career.
Read moreA Flight Medic is an emergency medical technician-paramedic (or EMT-P) who responds to emergencies in remote areas or critical situations as part of a medical team that is transported by air.
Read moreEmergency medical technicians (EMTs) work professionally and volunteer in a number of different spaces.
Read moreMaybe you’ve always dreamed of being a paramedic, rushing to emergency scenes and coming to the aid of people day in and day out, saving lives and making a difference.
Read moreThough often used interchangeably in media or by those outside the emergency medical services (EMS) industry, an emergency medical technician (EMT) and a paramedic (EMT-P) are not the same, and those individuals perform different—though both important—functions on an EMS team.
Read moreOn the path of figuring out your life’s purpose or your professional calling, you might feel encouraged by thinking about the perks and benefits of different types of careers.
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