Leaning on Industry Professionals During Education
It stands to reason then that a great way to learn how to do a job is to learn it from the people who are already working in your field.
Read moreOur West Palm Beach campus is proud to announce that its Associate Degree in Nursing program has been granted initial accreditation from ACEN.
It stands to reason then that a great way to learn how to do a job is to learn it from the people who are already working in your field.
Read moreThroughout your health career training, you likely encountered a number of instructors and industry contacts who imparted the knowledge and experience they gained in the field onto you.
Read moreOne of the greatest advantages you can have during your medical training is the opportunity to practice on simulation devices.
Read moreBecoming an emergency medical technician (EMT) is an excellent way to give yourself a career or volunteer service opportunity in the health care field.
Read moreYou may believe it is a natural progression for some EMTs to eventually gain licensure as a paramedic and then a nurse or other advanced medical care provider.
Read moreThere are various situations that may lead you to a place where you decide to return to school, or perhaps undertake higher education for the very first time, while you are working full-time.
Read moreOften, we think about jobs and leisure activities as a person’s passion or calling in life.
Read moreFor many who enter the nursing profession, their job is more than a job, more than a career even.
Read moreOne of the greatest benefits of working as a nurse, paramedic, or other health care professional is that more often than not, you are working within a team.
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