Firefighter Courses in Florida
Becoming a firefighter in the state of Florida is a big undertaking that requires a lot of work and a strong sense of commitment.
Read moreOur West Palm Beach campus is proud to announce that its Associate Degree in Nursing program has been granted initial accreditation from ACEN.
Becoming a firefighter in the state of Florida is a big undertaking that requires a lot of work and a strong sense of commitment.
Read moreReady to launch your career or volunteer service as an EMT? You’ve picked a rewarding path, full of opportunities for personal and professional growth and important experiences.
Read moreBecoming fully trained and licensed to work as an EMT is just part of the job.
Read moreAn EMT is an emergency medical technician. EMTs operate on a “basic” training and education level (EMT-Basic or EMT-B) or as paramedics, sometimes referred to as EMT-Ps.
Read moreWhen you are ready to pursue your career or volunteer service as an EMT, the first order of business will be to find and enroll in appropriate training.
Read moreIt is possible to have a rewarding and long-term experience as a firefighter, as well as a career in another field you love or feel inclined toward.
Read moreWhen preparing to embark on your nursing career, you’ll probably experience a mixture of emotion.
Read moreOn the road to your first job as a career firefighter, you will encounter a number of tests.
Read moreAre you ready for a meaningful career? Are you searching for a way to be active, be a part of the community, and serve the public?
Read moreIf you’re preparing to enter firefighter training, you probably already know that it’s going to be a big undertaking.
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